Monday, December 27, 2010

I still play Yu Gi Oh, normal?

So I was at the local trading card game store, playing yugioh with my TCG friends ( they are like 10-12 years old) but it doesn't matter because we are just playing a card game when one of those stupid "normals" happened to tell me that Yugioh was a kids game, HA! I began to "aspie rage" as they call it when I explained to them that, yu-gi-oh isn't a kids game anymore, a lot of the cards from the more recent series have a lot of writing and complex conditions for effects to be carried out, do you think a kid is going to understand "Activate only during the Battle Phase. Select 1 Equip Card equipped to a face-up Attack Position monster you control, and select 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls. Equip that monster with the selected Equip Card. Then, conduct battle between your previously equipped monster and the selected monster (other effects cannot be activated during this battle)."??!!!??!! And that's not even a joke, that's the instruction on a real trap card, on ONE FRICKIN CARD!! seriously WTF did they make cards like this, even i get confused when they load 5000 instructions onto one card!!!


  1. Wow that is one long description for a spell...I got confused just trying to read it! I can't see kids interpreting that properly.

  2. Maybe the TV show is for kids, but not that cards (anymore), but who cares about that. You shouldn't even care about it, if you are having fun watching/playing Yu Gi Oh then fuck the others

  3. never did get yu-gi-oh, i'll be stickin with my pokemon.

  4. I still like Pokemon. :D
    Following and supporting, mate! :)

  5. got trap pics? would like to see them xD

  6. oh yes i know the confusing cards. i dont think that its a kids game

  7. I loved yugioh when i was a teenager

  8. Haha sure it's normal! Any hobby's a good hobby.
